Object gets deselected when choosing the Scale tool

I’m using the iPad version. Unable to scale a tube. Once the scale tool is highlighted the object is deselected and there is no green tabs to scale. I can create a box right next to the tube. Select and scale no problem. Are tubes not able to be scaled in this version? I set sign foundations and would like to have tubes in my drawings. Cannot without being able to scale the object. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You should be able to scale the tube but it depends on your geometry. Share the SketchUp file so we can see what you’ve got.

There is another issue we’re looking into, where the bounding box of an object ends up in the wrong place. If you zoom out a bit, after having chosen the Scale tool, do you see a box off to the side, with the green resizing grips?

If you do, or even if you don’t, find the tube in Outliner, double-click to edit the group, then single-click to select the group.

See if the Scale tool now behaves itself.

[quote=“DaveR, post:2, topic:312254, full:true”]
You should be able to scale the tube but it depends on your geometry. Share the SketchUp file so we can see what you’ve got.

Thank you for the response. Here is the link to my project. I am unsure if it’s read only or you are able to edit with it.

That’s just a viewer link. Please share the actual .skp file.

Sorry Dave, I’m struggling to share the file. I need to watch a tutorial on how to share. New to SketchUp.

You should be able to save the .skp file to your device and then drag and drop it into a reply here.

I’m working on an iPad which is also new to me.
Hopefully this works
Untitled.skp (86.6 KB)

[quote=“DaveR, post:2, topic:312254, full:true”]
You should be able to scale the tube but it depends on your geometry. Share the SketchUp file so we can see what you’ve got.
I tried sharing a live video of that works.

Where is the tube you are trying to scale? What I see is this:

It looks like your model is upside down relative to the horizon and you’ve inverted the axes which would make modeling more difficult.

I shared incorrect file. Incompetence is showing.

Were you able to see the video?

Tube scale.skp (134.4 KB)
Here is the correct file.

Yes. You have an object (group or component) selected. You should need to open it for editing first so you can select the geometry of the tube. Did you see Colin’s reply to you?

I saw Colin’s message. Unfortunately I’m not sure what it means. I zoomed out and do not see any green tabs. Unsure how to only select the end.

Thanks Colin,
I am able to see the scaling option off to the side now. I’m unsure where to double click and how to edit. When I double click with pencil nothing happens.

I’m also trying to figure out how to add inner dimension value and outer dimension to get a correct wall thickness to scale.

Another option, while the object is selected you can choose Edit Group or Edit Component, from the three dot menu in the panel at the bottom of the screen. Then touch anywhere that is outside of the object to close the object. It should then be fixed.

If you are going to 3D print the tube, I would export what you already have, and let your 3D printing software take care of the wall thickness.

Thanks, I’m trying this program out to create plans and visualizations on installing outdoor in-ground sign components for businesses. Mixture of materials cement footing (which will include cylindrical footings with holes in the middle to accept steel posts from the sign cabinets) Limestone slabs, brick, Wood framing, steel rebar and metal framing. The program doesn’t have to include everything perfectly nor does the parameters need to be seamless. But scalability is key with the elements.