No perspective in Match Photo

I use Match Phot infrequently, but have never had any issues - until now.
Everything looks fine and normal, but when faces are drawn to match the photo the result is totally flat.
What am I doing wrong?

Generally you need a photo that shows more of the corner of the building…

Did you lock your axis with the arrow keys when drawing?

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Working ok

I don’t recall ever locking my axies previously

Give it a try… right arrow will lock in the red, it might help with this particular image.

Your topic title says it all. There’s “no perspective.” Well, there is, but it’s so straight on, front view, it’s almost impossible to define the accurate vanishing points the software needs. Like someone else said, a shot from an angle off to the side would be far better.

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Have you done head on images like this before?

But that works - thank you. I would have done this more than a hundred times - but not recently, and don’t recall locking the axes.
In my frustration I looked at about a dozen videos to see if I could pick up something I was missing, and not one mentioned locking the axis.
But it works. so again thank you

There is a van being placed inside the area about 5 metres back, so this view is necessary to be able to see it.

Yes I have. A building in Newcastle a few years ago I recall particularly bacause of the stone detail, and a lot of windows for an old stone building. I used the texture in that case. and it worked out well.

Many thanks team.

Spoke too soon!
Now the photo has disappeared.
I can reimport it but I disappears if I change to another scene.
Any clues on this one?
I can project the image onto the model, even though the photo is not visible.

A Match Photo image is only supposed to show in the scene created when it was imported. It is not supposed to show when you orbit the camera or switch to another scene. If you want to see the building from other camera positions, model the geometry for the building and the project the image as a texture onto that geometry.

It shoud reappear when the the scene is clicked on, I’m sure that’s what’s happened in the past

You can see the scene is correct, but no photo showing

Yes. It should reappear when the scene is selected.

Share the .skp file. Screenshots don’t cut it.

Soul-Fish_Trailer-1A.skp (4.7 MB)

Your selected style has the Foreground and Background images off in the style so it’s no wonder the image doesn’t show. Turn them on and update the style or select the Simple Style from the In Model styles.

It’s also worth noting that the Styles and Fog properties along with the other scene properties are not saved like they normally are when you create scenes. So there is no specific style associated with the scene in the model. Thus, returning to the scene doesn’t change to a different style.

Thanks for that.
I hadn’t changed styles from what has been the same for as long as I can remember, so I had no reason to look there.
Isn’t the style inherent in the scene that is created automatically?

As I wrote, the style is normally saved with as a scene property. None of the selectable scene properties are saved with scenes created when you import an image for Match Photo. Look at the Scenes panel. All of the selectable Properties to Save are unchecked.

You need to watch that as you create more scenes after the Match Photo import, too.

For whatever reason, the style you used in the scenes created before you inserted the Match Photo image has the Match Photo image turned off.