No more Heather please

Hello I’m a new SketchUp Pro user with two questions . . .

First, I no longer want to see Heather and her dog when I open a new design. Sure, I can delete them but their components still show up. This is a problem when I utilize Open Cut List. All of Heather and her cat’s many components are displayed, like 20 of them. I do not need or want want them, ever again. How to reset the default so this stops happening?

Second, when I log in and select MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS, there are two subscriptions displayed. One is my expired 30-day trial, and the other is the annual plan that I just paid for. Of course I do not want to see the trial anymore, only the annual subscription. How can this superfluous entry be permanently deleted?

Thank you!

Delete the scale figure, purge unused components and then unused materials. Then File>Save as Template to create your own default template.


Thank you for the immediate reply!! Unfortunately the instructions are not working for me because, although I was able to easily delete the scale figure of Heather and her cat, purging the unused component was not possible. Please refer to the screenshot below. When I place my computer cursor over the Heather component and right-click the mouse, a drop down list appears with the selection DELETE grayed out. In the image below, I placed a red oval around this using a Photoshop clone. The Heather component cannot be deleted.

So I bypassed this step and proceeded to delete the unnecessary materials. I deleted the first two but upon attempting to delete the third unnecessary material, SketchUp closed and I received my first BUG SPLAT.

GIF 6-11-2023 12-58-50 PM

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You can purge Heather and the materials by going into Window, Model Info, Statistics, Purge Unused.

If you see more bugsplats can you send one in, with a note about what you had just done?

Lily is a cat.

Great success this time!

Added a MY TEMPLATE. So now the question is, how can I set my new template as the default, so that when opening a new design, my new template opens without the extra steps needed to switch from Default Templates to My Templates then selecting my new one?

And sorry Lily. The truth is, I like cats.

So my instructions did work after all.

If the box was ticked when you saved the template it would be the Default Template.
Screenshot - 11_5_2023 , 8_20_45 PM
That box is normally ticked automatically.

If you unticked the box when you created the template you can make it the default by clicking on the heart icon under its thumbnail in the Welcome window.

Everything functions now as you described. So onto problem 2 . . .

When I log in to my Trimble account and select MANAGE SUBSCRIPTIONS, there are two subscriptions displayed. One is my expired 30-day trial, and the other is the annual plan that I just paid for. Of course I do not want to see the trial anymore, only the annual subscription. How can this superfluous entry be permanently deleted?

SketchUp issue 2

This also shows up on the My Products screen:


I do see two personal accounts, and that’s not supposed to happen. You could contact support and ask if one entry could be removed.

Both of them are under your email address, and you are admin for both, but the two accounts have different account numbers.

Here’s the contact form if you want to ask support to help:

Will do, thank you!