No model image previews in 3D warehouse

Yes. I did mention that in my first post. Warehouse works fine through IE direct. Does not show thumbnails through SU. And… even though there are no thumbnails previews through SU, I can still click on the download button and the model comes into SU.

OK, so no 2014 or 2015 people with issues? Anyone on a Mac? Someone with 8 or 2013, have you tried upgrading to 2014 or 2015?

Second thought we had at lunch: are these coming from all across the globe, or just in certain regions (thinking in terms of these locations: Discover our data center locations)? Private message if you don’t want to give out your general location.

I have 2013 and 8 and the problem exists on both. I have not intention of upgrading. I am located in northeastern US.

Not asking you to upgrade permanently, but just download from Download All | SketchUp and run a test, then uninstall if you wish. Again, 8 & 2013 were originally pointing at Google, and we’re curious if it’s a redirect issue.

I have 2014 and the model image previews are not showing up too.

Oh good. So it’s not just 8+2013. How about trying this:

1.a. In IE, go to a this model page: Cell Pendant Small | 3D Warehouse

1.b. In SketchUp, open 3dwarehouse and type Control-L (that’s lower case L, but typed upper so it doesn’t look like the number one), and paste in the same url.

Are you displaying the same page? Is the one in SketchUp blank as you’ve reported?

OK, so bring up the thumbnail in both IE and SketchUp:

2.a. In IE, go to a this model page:
2.b. In SketchUp, open 3dwarehouse and type Control-L and paste in the same url.

Does the image show up in IE? Does it show up in SketchUp?

I tried both things you asked to.
In the first one, the same page was displayed, BUT in SketchUp was blank, as we reported.
The second thing you asked to, worked well, the image was showed up both in IE and SketchUp.

1a: Image shows up in IE
1b: Image does not show up in SU

2a: Image shows up in IE
2b: Image shows up in SU

Thanks. Discussing…

Any chance of a screen shot?

Thank you @marceleeller, just as a sanity check, does this url work on your browser?

If I click on a blank thumbnail from the search page, I get a blank image on the download page. If I click “download” the model comes into SU as it should.

Yes, it does. In IE and SketchUp

Hey guys. After some trial and tribulations, we are able to recreate this one now. We’re looking into the issue and hope to have a fix soon. Thank you for your time in helping us with debugging this!


Hi, I have the same problem, though at work, that computer is fine. Please inform me when you have the fix.

Hi @sclayton, we will surely reply to this thread once a fix is in place.

Hey everyone…I found a work around. Google Sketchup

Launch the 3D Warehouse from there. It should work.

No need for that workaround. Just launch the warehouse directly in IE

then create shortcut to your desktop and the warehouse is only one click away.

Yes, I have the same problem as others. I am on sketch up 2014 - I can not see the preview images, need an answer soon - any thoughts?