What are they charging for the P2200? The GeForce RTX 2070 is noticeably faster with or without the Super, and according to the PassMark page, in the same price range as the P2200. If your budget for the graphics card is around $400, go for a GeForce card. Quadros offer no benefit for current 3D applications. Or, if you are satisfied with the P2200 performance (it should be quite enough for the use you describe) you can get the GTX 1060 and save about $200…
Anssi is correct.
The Quadro Cards are more expensive than thei rGeForce equivalents, and offer some software a boost in performance (not SketchUp).
The P4000 is not a good value option for SketchUp…
The RTX2070 Super is a high end card - nice if you want to splash the cash, but not really a huge jump in performance over the P2200 for the type of work you’ll be doing. You’ll notice it running smoother on the very complex models and shadows will probably generate faster, especially at higher screen resolutions. You would upgrade to this card if you wanted to futureproof your PC for 3, 4 or 5 years, or get into rendering.
Not sure why the upcharge for the 2070 is so much since it looks like it can be bought online for about $100 more than the 2200. It is listed as having an extended lead time (not a problem for me, but maybe an indication why they are charging more)
This is appealing since I occasionally have an issue in larger models when shadows are on where the display seems to shear the model. (Current card is a Quardro K2000)
I purchase a new workstation every 4-5 years so yes, I want to future proof to some degree. I don’t want to over buy, but I don’t mind spending a little more for insurance. I don’t anticipate getting into rendering at this point. Not sure if it’s relevant, The other primary applications I use are AutoCAD and photoshop. (I don’t think those impact this decision much?)
Really appreciate the input.
After going round and round trying to upgrade my old computer, I ended up getting a computer and monitor from best buy was an alien gamer that carries the best video card, most powerful and most space - they gave me a 4 years at no interest on a BB credit card.
Autocad and Photoshop don’t impact the decision.
Quadro Cards have a specific range of software they boost - Soliworks, Catia, and a few more (medical stuff).