New user struggling to re-size j-peg of floor plan. Please help!

Thanks, TIG! I hope you also included my dxf2ruby.rb patch?

I emailed the author and he replied that he will correct that file soon. I didn’t yet tell him about the race condition when he launches the TeighaFileConverter.

Probably not !
Too many changes and posts !
I’ll add it asap !!

I have fixed v1.0.2xx to include all of these tweaks.
Available from:

Hopefully the author will step it up to v1.0.3 asap

The drawing is imported, in fact, in the exactly same position as it is in the DWG file, it is upside down there already, and the paperspace view of it has been rotated to get prints with the section pointing to the right direction.


Thanks for letting me know Anssi.

Ok all, so please advise me. Now that TIG has kindly fixed all of these tweaks should I download this new Tecla plug in and give it a go. Is there anyway of deleting the previous Tecla version from my Extensions/SketchUcations?

Thanks - you guys are pretty amazing!

So I decided to just try with TIG’s new Tecla version as it was feeling like we were getting somewhere close.

Following Steve’s previous step by step instructions below -

I firstly downloaded the new Tecla in to my Downloads folder -

then went in to Windows>Extension Manager - clicked ‘Install Extensions’ and navigated to the .rbz file in the Downloads folder -

But when I checked in Extensions > SketchUcation it still only had the original Tecla version - even after I closed and re-started Sketch Up

Any thoughts please?

I’m not at my computer now. I’ll have to check later.

Back home. I took a look at the rbz. It contains my fixes, TIG just didn’t update the version number it uses when registering with SketchUp. Please give it a try and see what happens.

Hi Steve,

Thank you for getting back to me but I’m sorry I’m not sure what you are advising me to do. I had already given TIG’s version a try and I couldn’t seem to make it work as previous post.

Thanks again.

Your last post just said that after installing TIG’s revision you still saw the old version number in the extensions menu. I explained that is because TIG forgot to change that number in the code he put in the sketchUcation store but I can see that he actually incorporated my changes. So, you should try to run the extension and tell us what happens. Do you get the same errors as before? If so, have you first opened Window->Ruby Console and looked at any messages that appear there? Do the errors occur with all files you try, or just certain ones?

Edit: If it still won’t work, here’s something you could try to help isolate where the problem is occurring: Run the TeighaFileConverter and see what it does with the dwg file(s) that are causing issues. Unless you installed the converter specially, it should be in the Applications folder. It should present a UI that looks like this (btw, this is what you should see flash by when the TECLA importer runs). You need to fill in the Input Folder for where your dwg file(s) are and the Output Folder for where you want the converted dxf files to go, choose the OutputVersion, and click “Start”.

Hi Steve,

Sorry I hadn’t got back to you earlier - busy weekend.

So I’ve tried to open a few different DWG’s with the Ruby Console open and this is what I’ve got.

I also tried to run TeighaFileConverter as you suggested but was not sure what to do. Yes it was in Applications. When I clicked on it I got the following-

I then tried to Open it through Sketch Up but it was greyed out as following -

…so sorry this is taking so long!! I appreciate your patience with such a newbie.

OK - realised of course that it was my security settings that wasn’t allowingTeighaFileConverter to run. Fixed that and ran it - seems positive as I now seem to have .dxf files.

See following-

Tried to open a .dxf file though through Tecla and got this error-

AHA!! We’ve discovered the root cause of your problem: Gatekeeper is not letting the TeighaFileConverter app run because it is not from a registered Apple developer or the Apple App store.

Try this: navigate Finder to /Applications, right-click on TeighaFileConverter, and select open. You will again get a warning popup but now there will be a button for “Open”. Click that button and see whether it will run ok, per the instructions I gave earlier. If it runs, the Gatekeeper’s quarantine will have been cleared and you will be able to run it again without needing the right-click, and it should also launch ok from within the TECLA extension.

Did you do as I suggested and right-click the app to clear Gatekeeper’s quarantine?

Hi there,

I did as you asked and TeighaFileConverter seemed to run ok.

…but when I went to open a DWG through Tecla I still got -

Well rats! That messagebox means the converter still failed to run.

I’m going to try to add some better diagnostics to the code to see if we can figure out why Teigha won’t launch from inside the extension. I probably won’t be able to do it before tomorrow, then I’ll share a revised rbz file via Personal Message (we might want to take this whole thing over to PM until it is solved, as it is just the two of us now anyway…).

I use it with Jim’s MeshMixer on my mac…

as a C extension it runs much faster…


There’s something funky with lynners installation of the TeighaFileConverter on her Mac. It fails to run when launched from within the TECLAsoftware_importDWG extension. It runs fine on my Mac.