"NEW" Updated Icons SketchUp in 2023

I was just “Forced” to “Update” SketchUp …and I have some real concerns.
One, Why on earth would they change the icons so you can hardly distinguish one from the other,
…this is a HUGE step backward for me and I think for many, there may be a backlash on this.

These “New” icons are horrible and I even see they eliminated the two that allowed us to switch to previous images… unless I can’t identify the icon.
My main extension I lost that I do not know how I will be able to continue working, was Shaderlight, that worked just fine before for many years.
I am so disappointed in this “UPDATE” all I ask is WHY would they make something worse than before.**

Who forced you to update?

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As I understood it, I could no longer use the Warehouse unless I update.
So I did and saw that horrible icon look and reverted back to my old version where I can still use Shaderlight. For now I’m still ok.

You can always use the warehouse from the web. Which is how I always use it.

2022 is also an option… I haven’t bothered with 23 as it was buggy when it came out.

Perfect great idea, thank you, I will check out the web Warehouse option.
I’m just so disappointed that they have to change things that in my thoughts look and work great!

This makes no sense. The long overdue icon overhaul was for SU 23, that´s a year ago, SU 24 is not out yet, and most of the clean workspace resistance has passed long ago.

Oh did not know that I hate making no sense. Sorry
So are you using 2023 and are you happy with all the icons?

I edited the post title to correct the version and make it clearer.

I don’t remember any native tool that could do that on any sketchup version. It was probably a plugin you had installed.

The new icons don’t bother me as much as the disparity of the design languages of the plug-ins tool icons and the native tools icons, that cause an itch in my brain.

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Thank you very much, but I think I will stick with the old for as long as I can and still use “Shaderlight” my faithful renderer.