Very similar to the scale box, except that the edge and corner nodes are linked to the ones on the same plane rather than the opposite points -
I don’t know if the bounding box skew settings should be remembered within a group/component wrapper or whether the transformation should just be committed when another tool is selected.
(If it’s remembered, then you have the opportunity to go back and tweak the shape or remove the transformation completely… not sure if this would be an advantage or not.)
[*Note that there may already be a plugin that does this - I don’t know. But it would be handy as a native tool.]
But Fredoscale will create a new definition (make unique) if skewing a component.
This Skew would be great if component definitions were kept.
It would also be great if grabing the midle point instead of the center point would skew by moving the side of that box instead of shrinking it. Hard to explain, here’s an image:
Skew the left component so that it get’s like the right one.
I was hoping that [shift] would still work in the same way; allowing an x & y stretch. And [ctrl] would mirror the stretch about the mid point.
… and the mid point would move that ‘face’
(I sometimes wonder what the procedure is to absorb some of the most useful geometric plugins into the native program - not specialist things like windows, but stuff like the Fredo plugin above that would be as useful for jewelry as it would be for sky scrapers.)
That transformation actually keeps both components @Box, but it’s not native.
What I was suggesting is that the Skew workflow @gadget2020 was suggesting, could also do this.
As you know @Dave, if that happens both components are changed as they are the same. What I’d like is to have one component Tapered, Sheared, Skewed or Scaled or even Bent and when I would edit the first, the second would update.
Exactly as we have to do right now for a very small geometry that sketchup can’t handle. We turn it into a component, copy it to the side and scale it up, work on the scaled up copy and the smaller original gets updated.
Yes but I didn’t want them unique. I want to model in the original and keep the changes on the skewed, tapered and whatever transformation I do to the copy.
This would work well in conjunction with the other feature request of negative geometry; things like hole dowels could be grouped with a component and the component could be deformed without changing the position or size of the holes in it.
Not quite true - the scale tool can stretch a component in one direction (or more than one direction). OK, this is a relatively simple transformation, but if you start with a box defined by 8 corner points, then all you are really doing is changing the position of these points - every point of geometry within that space is moved a relative x,y,z to the original box. It’s not that much different to the current scale tool.