New project using 22 1/2° angles

I’m doing a new project and I need to drawn a rectangle that basically 4"h x 10" long using 1/2" plywood. But I want about 1 1/2" flat surface on the 10" side. What I was thinking is I have a piece coming up and cutting 22 1/2* have a 1 1/2" connection board with 22 1/2* then a top piece with 22 1/2*. This should make a 90*

What’s the best way to do this. I would think I would need the protractor which I haven’t used yet.


I’m not following your description very well but you should play with the Protractor tool. You can place guidelines at the 22.5° angle or whatever angle you want.

What is this thing that you are planning to draw?

It’s a foot rest for physical therapy that I can put my foot on to stretch my calf and Achilles tendon. The ball of my foot would be on the flat side instead of on the hard 90* edge. Just a softer foot rest for the stretch


So basically this is a portion of an octagon?

Yes, didn’t think of it that way

Something like this?

The angle between the faces would be 45° and the bevel angles for cutting the plywood would be 22.5° off square.

Yes, what I would do is put a 90* on the right side. that’s touching the ground

How do I get the protractor to show up on the tool bar. Looks like a lost some tools.

Go to View>Toolbars and select the Construction toolbar.

Or turn on either the Large Tool Set. You probably have the Getting started toolbar displayed and it doesn’t contain the Protractor tool.

thank you for the info

You’re welcome.

I have tried several ways to draw this. What is the best way.


I don’t know if there’s a best way. It kind of depends upon what you need from the model. do you need to show the parts as the separate pieces of plywood from which it would be built? Or do you just need to show the shape of it?

If you need the separate parts, start at one side and work your way around. Maybe start the vertical leg as a rectangle on the ground plane. Make it 1/2 in. by whatever the width of the completed piece is to be. In my sketch i used 12 in for the width of the thing. Use Push/Pull to pull that rectangle up to the full height of the foot rest. Make that tall, skinny box a component. Deal with the miter later.

Next, at the top, draw a rectangle for the end of the top piece. Draw it on the outside face of the vertical leg. Use Push/Pull to extrude it to the desired length and make it a component. You should now have the two separate pieces as components. continue on drawing parts. You might draw the short vertical leg next and fill in the gap with the diagonal piece. Just make one piece a component before you move on to the next one.

After you’ve got all the parts drawn, you can edit each component in turn, draw in the lines at the miter angles and use Push/Pull to get rid of the waste.

Before you edit the components to add the miters it should look like this:

When you edit the components to add the miters, just draw lines to connect the points.

And Push/Pull to get rid of the waste.

Sound like that’s the way I did it. Each part is separate. I’m not sure how to get of the waste.


Use Push/Pull on the faces on the waste side of the lines.

OK, got the grand kids feed. Now I can work on this again. How did you rotate the yellow board. I was having trouble with that earlier

I didn’t rotate it. I drew it in place using the short vertical and horizontal pieces as references.

Use the Line tool to draw a rectangle connecting the corners.

Then Push/Pull to make it 1/2 in. thick.

Also, what’s the best way to zoom into my project since I’m working in inches. I’m using the magnifying glass, but I would there would be something better. It looks like when I move the object the size changes.

Do you have a scroll wheel on your mouse? You should be able to zoom in on the model with it.

I see how the line tool works in that condition