Rotating tool

Okay everyone, I have a 3"x4" rect. with a 3/16" offset. Shelled out and extruded to 22 1/2". I am using the rotate tool to bring one side down to a 45 degree angle. It works, only problem is that it screws with the dimension of the rectangle. I’ve tried multiple ways and can’t seem to get it figured out. Let me know what you all think.

That’s not how to cut a 45° angle.

I’m away from my computer so can’t show you with a quick video - but you’ll need to be sure you are using groups / components and you can:

Create a rectangle, push pull it, make it a group and treat it like a ‘cutting block’. Position and rotate it into place and use the solid tools to cut the miter.

Or create a rectangle, position it at the tip of your miter, rotate into place, edit your main group or component, select all, right click on a surface, intersect faces with model. Delete the parts you don’t want…

If you don’t know what groups / components are stop what you are doing and go to and practice the basics.

Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.

Tube with one end cut at 45 deg.skp (239.6 KB)

Thank you both for you input, very helpful!