New Computer - SketchUp 2023 won't Install

Hi All,

Work upgraded me to a desktop and I’m working on getting SketchUp installed - Windows 11 and SketchUp 2023 (was on 10 and 2022 before) but I’m running into issues.

I’m getting this “MD5 Check Failed” error and I guess I need to go find that folder and delete it and try again? SketchUp installer will not complete.


Let me know what you think. Thanks

There are several topic about it already.
See this one, for example:

Yep, apologies. I just saw one such post. I’m looking into it, problem is my computer won’t show the threat lol. IT is gonna be here in a bit so I may just get him to do it.

No probs. :wink:

Let them know about the topic I linked…

Will do. Cuz it’s not letting me disable Windows Defender lol even though I’m admin

EDIT: I didn’t go through the proper settings window. Windows 11 is a new OS for me and it’s not going as smoothly as I’d hoped.

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When installing SketchUp are you selecting the context-menu item from the installer’s exe file and choosing ‘Run as administrator’ ?
If not permissions will get messed up…

The same has happened to me today

I’ve tried it and it doesn’t change anything

Defender shows this threat.

Published Jun 03, 2018 | Updated

Learn about other threats


Getting this same MD5 Check Failed error trying to install SketchUp version 2023.0.397

Version 2023.0.367 installs successfully. But I am not sure how you can acquire a previous version of SketchUp 2023 because the downloads page for SketchUp only offers version 397 right now.

Yip experiencing the same…

It is apparently a false positive reported by Windows Defender, not other security packages: