Can someone guide me right what I need for plugin to draw bowls, plates that have not only has round shape, can be more rectangular and organic. I need to make patterns in some places that bulge out (embossing?). My English vocabulary is “a bit” poor and I have a hard time finding the right word for what function.
How will you need to use these dishes once you have them modeled in SketchUp? Are they going to be shown individually or are they going to be shown on shelves in a display? Maybe something else?
And again, what is your experience level with SketchUp? These certainly aren’t beginner’s models.
Geez, it’s unbelievable what things I soon can create of all ideas that I have in my head that I didn’t succeed with before. I’m so glad I dared to write in this forum, I’m very bad at asking for help.
You’re the best, Patrick
Hi Putt.Feel free to explain this again, do not really know what interference means in this context, does it apply to all drawing functions? I have a Mac and have the program installed in Swedish, but will change to English so I learn the thermology used hear Grateful for answers