Need to disable nvidia graphics card to open sketchup

Hi. I need help. I am using 2 graphics card which are Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 and Nvidia GeForce Gtx 1050 Ti. Unfortunately everytime I open my sketchup without disabling my nvidia graphics card, I have white screen. I open my preference - opengl- graphic cards detail, it is using my nvidia but it is not. It is using my intel graphic cards. What do i do?

for follow-up question. why is it using my intel card instead of my nvidia card?

First, make sure that your Nvidia driver is up to date. Then, check in the 3D application settings of the Nvidia control panel that SketchUp is set to use your Nvidia card. In SketchUp preferences, OpenGL dialog, turn on Fast Feedback.

Didn’t you just say that you disabled your Nvidia card?
Windows has a perverse preference for conserving electrical power, so, often, leaving the card selection set to automatic results in Windows preferring integrated video chips.

I have done all your suggestions but it still didn’t work.
What I meant is I have to disable my nvidia card in order for me to see my work and then enabled it again.
The problem everytime I will render, It is using my intel card not my nvidia card.

This all happens when I updated all my graphics cards. I have to repeat the process for me to see my work.

Disabled Nvidia and when the apps opened, I have to enabled it again.

Are you using a docking system?

no i’m not

Give this a try:
Get DDU from HERE. Follow the directions to remove ALL the video drivers ( both the Intel and Nvidia ) from the system. Boot back to Windows, let it install the Intel video driver, then install the Nvidia package for your system. Configure the Nvidia to use Sketchup in the program settings section.
Good luck.

I don’t know If I would do this. The last time I did the uninstalling my drivers even worst happens. I can’t even connect to our wifi. Anyways thank you for that suggestion.

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