I am having an issue and I am not sure how to correct it in term of settings,…
The issue is:
No problem using the tape measure tool to make guidelines at user-defined distances and measurements.
Issue happens when drawing actual entities like lines where I select a point which is the start point and say move along any axis and then select 10’ per se, what I end up with is a line in the direction I cast it in and then a second line which is 10’.
All I want to do is select the point and direction and have a single line the defined length which I have entered.
Any ideas on what settings I need to adjust in SketchUp for iPad?
@drchitecturedsign It sounds like maybe you are drawing your line with an apple pencil in ‘just draw’ mode, where the moment you touch the pencil to your screen a line starts drawing. The moment you release your pencil, the line is completed. Then, if you type 10’ and tap enter, you’ll get another line at 10’. I would suggest trying to change the pencil mode to ‘click-move-click’ (in settings). This mode allows you to use the apple pencil’s push to click feature to click once, move your line in the direction you need and wont complete the line until you push to click again. This allows you also move the line in the direction you want and then type in 10’ plus enter to complete the line.