Need help! Trying to get a scene without walls, but the walls are in the way

Hello All, I need help. I have created a sketchup model with lots of warehouse components and I need to render a scene of a full wall but I cannot get the view I want without doing a section plane. So I created a section plane, to delete all the walls that intervene with my perfect scene. This turned out perfect! Now however, when I go to render it (I use Shaderlight) the rendering program still renders with the walls completely in the way! Is there a way to hide all items removed in the section cut?

Here is the Scene I want rendered:

But when I go to render it, the walls that really exist there are in the way…

Please give me any ideas you have on how I can fix this?
NOTE: I did not create layers in the drawing, so I cannot hide the wall entities that easily.

Thank You,

[quote=“nikoyam, post:1, topic:15014”]…
Please give me any ideas you have on how I can fix this?NOTE: I did not create layers in the drawing, so I cannot hide the wall entities that easily.
Well, creating one (or more) layer(s) just takes a split second.
I assume you used groups and components in this model.
Assigning that new layer to the annoying wall group via ‘Entity Info’ takes another second.
Now disabling displaying that layer is another second. Create (or update) a scene with that layer Off.

Thank you Wo3Dan!!!

Could it be that this elevation scene needs it’s own style assigned, with Section Cuts checked in this style, and then the scene updated ?

Or might it be that Shaderlight, like many other rendering applications, doesn’t support SketchUp’s section planes? Does it have a sectioning tool of its own, like the ones I use do?


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You can work on a copy of your file and use the plugin Zorro2 (adds the point “slice model at section plane” to th context menu of a section plane) to cut away the rest of the model.