My project has suddenly begun behaving slowly in Layout


We run Sketchup 2021 and Layout 2021 in the office.

Everything usually flows well but now on this project, the application (Layout) freezes constantly.
It will freeze for, maybe an hour, or something when I go to reload the Sketchup model and has even started freezing when I change pages. Something happened a few weeks ago to cause this behavir but I have no idea what happened.

I can send someone both files and you can take a look. I don’t really know what to do because its so tedious to make changes and test things.

It is really starting to eat into my hours and the deadline keeps getting closer and closer.

Please help.

I’d take a look at your file if you want to share it.

Change in the graphics drivers are a common problem. What is the operating system? Your profile says ‘10’ but that’s kind of vague. Windows 10 or Mac 10.something? What is the graphics card? Your profile says ‘1221234’ which is nonsense and not helpful. Please correct your profile.

How do I send it? DM? or just post them here somehow?

If the file isn’t too large you can drag it and drop it into a reply here. Otherwise upload it to Drop Box and share the link in a reply.

I am having the exact same issue. SketchUp and Layout 2021.
After a major redesign of a project (which actually simplified the design) both SketchUp and Layout are super slow. Layout in particular is unusable. Checking the Activity Monitor, the CPUs jump to 99% when I try to do anything. I use furniture and fixture components, but not excessively, and no more than I have ever used before in a project. For Layout there are two stacked viewports, one raster and one vector in order to get the image to present well. Again, this is no different from other projects. I do not understand what is happening and how to fix it. I have done a thorough cleaning and organizing of my computer just to make sure it is not a problem with my Mac.
Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 12.10.51 PM

Can you share the LO file so we can see if it’s something about the file?

My internet is super slow, so it will take about an hour to upload the file to Dropbox. I assume I have to upload the linked SketchUp files along with the Layout file?

Well, only if the SketchUp files are different from the files in LayOut. Otherwise they are included with the LayOut file.

OK, thanks. I did not know that.

Most likely the SketchUp model file(s) account for the majority of the LayOut file size.

The drawing window is supposed to be rendered in Hybrid view, but I have been playing with various options to get the program to run faster. I turned off auto render. I changed the viewport to vector. Nothing helped. I even went back into the Sketchup file and switched out a few components to something similar under 1MB - although my largest component was maybe 4MB.

If you want to improve performance while working on the model, change the viewports to Raster render.

So first thing I did was check your viewports to see that Camera settings aren’t modified. They aren’t. Then I went looking at your SketchUp file to see if I can find anything that ocould be slowing things down. I fixed incorrect tag usage. (Maybe this came in with components from the 3D Warehouse? Should still be fixed before adding to the model.)
Screenshot - 1_24_2022 , 3_56_00 PM

I purged unused stuff. This reduced the SketchUp file size by 40%.
Screenshot - 1_24_2022 , 3_56_25 PM

Deleting components from the model space doesn’t remove them or their materials from the model. It’s like taking your old couch to the garage when you get a new one. It’s not in the house but it’s still on the property.

There’s still some excessively detailed components in the model. For example this faucet.

Reducing these sort of components to simplify the geometry will help with performance in SketchUp and LayOut.

More after the LO file updates.

I have purged unused tags and components, but clearly I was not doing it correctly. I will continue to go through the SketchUp model and replace components with simpler versions.
So while working in Layout I should keep the viewports set to raster until I am ready to print?

A couple of other notes: There are reversed faces that should be corrected. Should be no visible blue back faces in a 3D model.

Is there a reason your model is so far away from the origin? Generally best practice is to keep the model near the origin.

I also notice wat seems like excessive component/group nesting. I’m not seeing any benefits to the nesting but it is adding to file size and complexity when you are working on the model.

How were you purging? Purging unused can be done via Window>Model Info>Statistics. Just deleting thengs from the model space doesn’t delete them from the file.

Yes. That’s the fastest render mode.

That is the origin from the Location Snapshot - geolocation. It is annoying. I always set the axes to the corner of my building, but it sometimes resets. Luckily my building is actually oriented on the axes this time, but on other projects I am always fighting with true north not being vertical on a page.

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I usually purge directly from the component and tag windows. But I will make a note to go into statistics.
As for component and group nesting, I thought it actually helped a model to group and make components. So I just though nesting them was a good idea. I am also following a book for creating architectural drawings using SketchUp that advocates nesting tags within tags for visibility. It is how they set up their templates. As for the components with tons of nested elements, it is likely something I downloaded from 3D warehouse. I will be more wary of what I download.

I had no idea I had reversed faces since I always add a material. How would I fix that? Do I have to click on each face? And if it has a material on it, how do I know it is reversed?

Sometimes nesting can be a useful thing but often it just gets in the way.

Likely written before there were tag folders. Using tag folders can eliminate the need for a lot of nesting. You could, for example create a tag folder for kitchen fixtures and appliances and then in that folder have tags for the range, fridge, dishwasher, sink, etc. You can then hide all of those things by turning off the visibility for the folder or turn them off individually.

Theusual wisdom is to download components from the Warehouse into a separate file, go through them and check to see if they are suitable for your project, either reject or clean up as appropriate before adding to your project file. Sort of like taking a car for a test drive before you buy it.

FWIW, here’s the purged LO file with the viewports set to Raster render. There was an unused image in the file which I also purged. Similar file size reduction as in the SketchUp file