i am trying to open my model but layers does not show up in sketchup screen
can some1 please help me ?
Upload the SketchUp file. We might be able to fix it for you.
ok uploading
Ok. Waiting.
here it is, i uploaded it on google drive
Alright. Hang tight.
Does this look like what you are hoping for?
By the way, I fixed the incorrect tag usage.
And purged unused stuff from the file.
Which reduced the file size by about 81%. Still too large to upload here. I’ll upload the file and share the link in a moment.
By the way, you shouldn’t have any exposed blue back faces. Those need correcting.
yes it is what i wanted. thank you very much for your help!!!
and waiting for link
Here’s the link.
By the way, Camera>Zoom Extents would have positioned the camera so you could see the model again. Usually when users report this kind of thing the camera has wound up at some point lightyears from the model. That’s what I expected in your file.
Ok, downloaded. thanks a lot again