Multiple Editors on a Single LayOut File


I am working to create shop drawings of individual components in layout. The final product will be a single layout file with about 70 pages of components. We have multiple sketchup documents we import, and have three people working to create this document. Each person is assigned a certain component type (say, multiple different I beams) to create a page for each individual component. Right now, we are all working in different layout documents and then will merge the pdfs at the end, but is there a better way to go about this? Has anyone ever worked with multiple people on the same layout file simultaneously, or do you know a better way to merge pages from separate layout documents so we can create a single layout file before exporting to pdf?

Please let me know if I can clarify anything, and thanks in advance.

It’s not possible to have multiple users working in the same LO file at the same time. What you have going right now seems to me to be the best option with a number of benefits.

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Ok, thanks for the input!

I also think you will find better LO performance by breaking down your 70 page set into separate files like you are doing.

I separate my LO files by drawing type which works very well with speed/stability.