You @ene_su are the only one of us that may have the ability to cleanse our off topics from the thread. Happy if you do.
You cannot eat thanks and feedback. Neither does it pay the rent.
The sound of entitlement.
Since you’re just a hobbyist, you can continue to use SketchUp for free. You’re also welcome to use free extensions.
I had a look at your models. Not bad amateur work.Looks like you’ve got some things to learn about correct face orientation and geometry control.
You can make that choice for yourself offcourse but not for others…
I couldn’t find any…
They really aren’t worth downloading. Looks like the work of an 8 year old.
I rarely download anything from the warehouse, but he got me curious…
Especially this sentence: “with the same quality as CAD paid pages”…
You probably meant me. I might get reciprocal feelings from that.
I too sometimes do some free design work for friends and relatives, but I have a day job to support my life. To make and post models you must have a means of support too.
But they use the Pro version and pay for it. Or are professional criminals.
I only hear one person barking here…
You are repeating yourself over and over…
And it gets boring.
For your interest, a few people have flagged some of your posts as being inappropriate. Moderators have not yet looked at those alerts. For now those posts are hidden, and will reappear or not reappear later, depending on whether moderators agree whether the posts are in fact inappropriate.
I am a moderator, but will leave this to the more senior moderators to review. It is Sunday morning, that may not happen right away.
I am trying to purchase, but I don’t find the 40$ all bundle option.
I find only the option to bye 1 plugin (corner) for 25$.
Can you please help?
Thanks, I will try
I have tried . Loos that it is fine. Thank you very much
As someone who manages sketchup licensing for a 40 person office, this is getting unwieldy to track and rollout. It’s a losing battle for me. Trimble should pay Fredo6 and make most of these standard. The functionality of many of these was an oversight not to include to begin with, along with many other plugins that are now asking (rightfully) to be paid for doing the developer work to make sketchup worthwhile. That said, my respect to Fredo6 for all of these plugins. Worth every penny.
Have you thought about contacting him for the possibility of a volume license?
There is a recently introduced corporate ‘bulk license’ for that number of users [30-60], it is available now at …
Fredo has also explained in some detail how you might best acquire and subsequently update and then manage these ‘block-licenses’…
Start searching here…
Thanks TIG, if there’s one thing I love about sketchup, it’s that somebody’s always figured out an answer. I’ll try it out.
Still, more work for me to manage compared to most other programs. Added to the rising costs of Sketchup. Most of my colleagues are not power users but want that basic functionality when they occasionally do jump on, which then weighs on the equation of cost and effort to install in a way that would typically get averaged out when shared amongst the larger pool of all program users in a standard install. Just some key plugins made standard would feel like tangible improvements to the common user.
…Purge All should be native too.