More Fredo6 plugins becoming paid extensions

In addition to what Box wrote, make sure you also have the lastest version of LibFredo6.

What version of SketchUp are you using? Please complete your forum profile.

Also, I do.

SU Pro 2022

Please put that in your profile.

Did you shut down and restart SketchUp after making sure you have the latest versions of those files installed? Was SketchUp 2022 installed correctly by right clicking on the installer and selecting Run as administrator?

What do you see when you go to this link and sign in?

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With respect, I am a long time SU user and know the drill. I am the only user and therefore administrator.
Yes, I closed and restarted SU after installing the plugins, starting with the latest versions of the plugin store and LibFredo6. And I see all my new licenses on the link. I have downloaded the licenses both from the email and the license page. I get the error message either way.

Excuse me for trying to help.

The error code F07 indicates an issue with decoding the license. Contact the Sketchucation folks via the SCF forum and they can help you out.


Not the same as running the installer by right click, run as admin.

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Thank you for the help. Didn’t mean to offend


It was installed with “run as admin”. I have two accounts on my computer, an admin and a local user account. I work out of the local user account on purpose to make the system prompt me for my admin code as a security measure. SU was installed in the local account, but is also available in the admin. I have worked this way for years and all of my software works just fine in either account. This has not affected licenses for other plugins.

But it is not how you wrote it and we spend half out time correcting people who think being an admin is the same thing.


Again, sorry.

See this link and this one.

I think my burger has a suspicious number of herbs and spices.

Why dos my extra crispy have mustard and ketchup on it?

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Way off topic now, but did you know that in Parts of Europe, Germany in particular, they eat chips with Mayo and Ketchup.

…and with curry sauce. :wink:

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So so many crimes against food.

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What to think of :fish: & chips? (UK)

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I have many friends in the UK therefore I’ll take the fifth as they say in the US. Hopefully I can obfuscate enough to avoid any possible backlash of allegations of wallpaper paste in an oily shell.

Currywurst is the best!

I’m however starting to suspect we have drifted off topic.