Modeling the Bathhouse Boiler Room from Spirited Away

Let’s hang out this Friday as I tackle a scene from one of my favorite movies! Let’s model the Boiler Room from the Bathhouse in Miyazaki’s Spirited Away!


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Yes! Fun Friday model! I’ll get the beers in… :slight_smile:

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Err… the date went a week ago?

A few images I plan to use for today’s session:

I was JUST talking about the Boilerman with Julian last night.

Here is an idea foe the teapot handle.

Teapot handle.skp (166.7 KB)

When you made the copies of the jar group and then decided to convert it/them into components, you used a command “Group Copies.” I can’t for the life of me find this what could be a very useful command. I am using the Windows version.

That is part of the Selection Toys extension. Check it out on Extension Warehouse!

Aaaaaahhhh! Thanks! As I said … that could be very useful.

BTW, you do a GREAT job on all that you do - Square One, Skill Builders, Live Modeling, etc. You do it with an apparent incredible knowhow but also with humility and humor - great combo.


I couldn’t find any piñon trees, but here’s a pine tree.