Model permanently locked as private model … this model was up for years, now all of a sudden is it locked, due to a breach of the 3D Warehouse Terms of Use …

I read trough them and connot find the breach …

What is it a model of? The link you shared doesn’t work because it’s locked or private.

it is a balcony roofwindow of velux, VELUX GDL P19 (Detailed) - CABRIO Balcony Roof Window | 3D Warehouse (the original) for a project I needed it open so I rebuild it to be opened, that took a lot of downloads and likes

If a brand seeks to protect its intellectual property / copyrights, representatives from that brand can request offending models that include copies of original geometry, brand names, and/or logos be removed unless otherwise allowed by the owner of the IP. I might recommend reaching out to the manufacturer and asking them to supply the model in their account.