My model is lost in space I guess. The entire thing was so messy because I was modeling furniture for a lot of rooms but it should all be in the same area. The issue is all I see is green. I tried to draw and couldn’t do that either. I also tried importing the model into a new one because that is something I read but it just showed up as a gray rectangle and now, nothing. Also when trying to print nothing shows up on the page anywhere, so I think its just gone.
That’s the entire thing?
I didn’t save it but I started deleting those giant insect wings and found a mess of images and other smaller stuff. I had no idea what you actually want out of it but I never did see a bed. You could do the same and delete the loose geometry a little at a time and see what you find that might be useful.
I want all of it or at least most. I had chandeliers and lamps and foundations for chairs.
I just can’t figure out how to aim the camera or how you else able to get to the piece you uploaded.
Did you open the .skp file I shared? The Camera is already aimed as in my screenshot.