Model disappears when I hit zoom extents

OK thanks for that info. I did read several of your previous posts on this, but have no idea how to fix it. My model is really fairly simple and I didn’t do anything really to provoke it to do that, so seems a bit random. Have uploaded the file on the other thread, see what you think.

Or could it be related to the Intel graphics driver? I did just now update it, so I have an Intel Graphics 4400, GL version 4.3.0 at the moment.


I have a similar problem… the model I have been working on for days is zoom out…far, far…

I hope you cab help me out here…



Your screen shot isn’t very helpful. How about uploading the SKP file so we can see exactly what you have going on?

Ow sorry for that,

I just tried uploading, file is to big… how can I provide the file ?



Try purging unused stuff. Window>Model Info>Statistics. The save and try again. If that doesn’t reduce the file size enough, upload it to the 3D Warehouse and share the link.

Ill try…

Another probable cause is that you have some Text entities that have become detached from the components, groups or geometry they were originally connected to. If you have deleted the object but left the text, this is a known weird behaviour.

You could try using Model Info/Text - select all Leader text, cut it to the clipboard and paste into another new file to examine it later.

Then in the original model, with the text removed, try Zoom Extents again. But as Dave says, it will be easiest to help you if you can provide access to the file.

PS. In your screenshot, you can try placing the mouse over the model vanished into the distance, and try zooming in. That sometimes works, too.

ButI suspect the issue is with a piece of Leader Text (text created with the Text tool)

PPS. Try a Window select round the model, cut it to the clipboard, Select All of what remains in the model, and delete it. Then try pasting the model back in place (Edit/Paste in place) and Zoom Extents again.

selecting, cutting, pasting into a new file worked!

Thanks a lot!!

Greetings from the Netherlands!


Did you find the stray text, if that was indeed the cause? And make sure you haven’t copied it into the new file - probably not, if it is behaving properly again with Zoom Extents.

It does!

Finally I can go to sleep now…
Again, many thanks for your swift and helpfull replies guys!!



Thanks Dave, this is great. I have this suspicion, but when I read your suggestion I was actually able to actually pay attention and find out a small stupid line causing it. Thanks!!

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