We’re putting the finishing touches on a bakers rack I built with a coat hook for my hat. I’d like to add it to the SU model I used to design the rack. Spent most of the morning attempting to draw the hook using Follow Me but have given up. I could some help from the experts.
I’d draw most of the hook starting with a side view and Push/Pull. If it’s thicker at the wall end, it could be tapered with cutting planes of you could use Box Taper in Fredoscale. The knob would be a simple Follow Me operation with a circle and profile. It looks like there’s a bullet-shaped hollow at the bottom of the hook. I’d draw that shape with Follow Me and subtract it from the rest of the hook. I’d use the Dave Method for most of this, too.
If you can provide good side and top views of the hook along with some dimensions, I’d give it a go.
In this particular model? After getting the main part of the hook outlined in 2D at the correct size and extruding it to the largest thickness, I used the Dave Method to complete the hook.