Materials tray display

im looking for a way to display the materials in model more clearly, for example as a list, by their name, is it possible to do in sketch up or i do I need a plugin?

in this version it takes 1 sec more or less to display the name when i hover with the mouse on the material icon, (which is too long) and basically i can’t configure the tray in any way (for example order it by name, text size etc)
Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 3.25.37 PM

+1 I spend too long trying to find materials in the Mac Materials / Colour picker. And despite dragging materials to organise by name they soon get mixed up. Auto sorting by name would be great.

Best tip I have is with the paint bucket active, hit [command] and you can sample the material you want from the model and it usually highlights in the picker view.

Usually is right. Sometimes the material fails to even show up, or it duplicates for an unknown reason which is an obvious long term bug.

But if it does highlight, it’s so subtle that it is easy to miss and one may waste time looking for it.

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yea exactly, I am no coder, but isnt something very simple to add organize by names?