Material folder missing in user/app data

SketchUp 2019 materials library missing in users/appdata folder, when i open my component and click the material edit having no file in there. Please suggest me what should i do? I re-install my SU 2019 but did not work.

The user AppData only contains your own collections or folders.
Can you see the standard materials in the tray?

yes. but i use component with other file and eidt material but not showing in any folder

The materials used on a component are held in the component’s .skp file not in the User/App Data/SketchUp/…/Materials.

When you reinstalled SketchUp 2019 did you right click on the downloaded installer and select Run as administrator?

Please correct your profile. “desktop” does not identify your operating system.

When you reinstalled SketchUp 2019 did you right click on the downloaded installer and select Run as administrator?

Yes i run as administrator. Most of the file in 3dwarehouse only .skp fille in folder.

Same thing i follow my SU 2013 in my laptop i download only .skp file from 3dwarehouse and just edit the material in User/Appdata…

Not showing any material in vray tray.

this model i download from 3dwarehouse, only .skp file
I render this file all the material showing properly.

That V-Ray tray only shows materials in the Model (eg. the ‘in model’ collection)
If you want to store them, you can save them in SketchUp’s material panel. Learn about material collections here:

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