I think the thing to look for is lenses that don’t have much pin cushion or barrel distortion. Those types of distortion make straight lines appear curved which, of course, SketchUp can’t do. The shorter the focal length the more likely you’ll see those distortions (Think of a fish eye lines, for example.) Longer focal lengths would be better.
The other important thing to consider is the location of the camera. ideally you would end up with a photograph in which the horizontal lines run to vanishing points that would be within the frame of the image. as the vanishing points move out to the right or left they get closer to parallel which can reduce the precision of the set up. Of course when you have horozontal lines running parallel, the vanishing point becomes ambiguous and you can’t establish where it in with the Match Photo setup.
Avoiding cropping and avoiding perspective ‘correction’ or lens distortion fixing changes where the vanishing points are. they need to be in the right place.