Match photo shadow help

im not getting any shadows in match photo…how do i get that need advice…help me…if any one knows how to give shadows so its look real…according to environment…and do upload the video so that i can understand…
here is the link…

In your model, you didn’t have shadows turned on.

The menu View>Shadows should be checked.

Also, as your “room” has no window openings, no light can come in to cast shadows from the table.

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im talking about vray in vray im not getting any shadows…

here is the example

I’d say that there are shadows. It’s just that the steel rods forming the legs of the table don’t cast much of a shadow; and the lighting is probably too diffuse to allow the table itself to do much either.
If you look carefully just inside the leftmost leg, there is a definite darkening of the carpet just above that lighter patch. It’s not there on the match photo. There’s also a slight smudge stretching to the right from under the foremost leg that isn’t there either.


see this video…

you need a ‘wrapper’ material on the ground to ‘catch’ those shadows but also be transparent so your background image comes through.

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