Making my object solid

BMW Trunk Roundel 1.4.skp (1.3 MB)

I’m having trouble making this object solid. When I run solidinspector2 I get a surface border error. but I don’t know how to fix that and it wont do it automatically. I’ve uploaded the file, can anyone help me with this?

Try this, reverse the faces and add a face on the bottom.

It’s not so hard to fix !
First, edit the ‘container’ and add a face to the bottom circle [draw an edge over part of the base circle’s segment] - so that then it ‘seals’ the shape into a solid.
If you do that Entity Info for the selected ‘container’ will then report it as a ‘Solid’.

However, one parting shot - correct your object’s face orientation.
Edit the ‘container’ and select all. then use the context-menu item yo ‘Reverse’ the faces - so that the white-faces look outwards…

PS: @Box beat me to it !

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I’m curious about how you went about modeling this. I can think of several ways to wind up with a non-solid like you did but then I can also think of several ways you could have modeled this so that it was a solid from the git go. For a simple model like this, the repair is easy as Box and TIG indicated but as you get into modeling more complex things, the workflow you use can get to be more important because fixing a bad workflow can be tedious at best. With the right workflow, though, there should be no problems.

that worked, awesome! thanks!

When it comes to getting the BMW that’s something else.

yea, I cant figure out what I did wrong. workflow was this:

  • create circle
  • create smaller circle
  • pull up smaller circle
  • draw triangle face at edge
  • follow me triangle around to create the continuous sloped edge
  • create smaller circle on face
  • puch down smaller circle
    = hollow form

A few extra steps there. If your Follow Me path circle is the same size as the profile, Follow Me will remove the face. If you delete the face of the circle first, it won’t do that. Or if the circle and path aren’t in contact with each other, you’ll be left with the face on the bottom.

You could draw the entire cross section as I did in my example which would save you steps.

Got it, thanks!

SketchUp Sage

    November 12

A few extra steps there. If your Follow Me path circle is the same size as the profile, Follow Me will remove the face. If you delete the face of the circle first, it won’t do that. Or if the circle and path aren’t in contact with each other, you’ll be left with the face on the bottom.

You could draw the entire cross section as I did in my example which would save you steps.