Making a single object with default color transparent

Actually your gif helped, I think I have it… standby.

indeed I had to watch the gif again. You are opening the component to paint it. don’t.

You are only painting the front face material and leaving the backface material untouched by doing this, as I said earlier. Put the bronze onto the outside of the component then you will replace all the default material front and back.

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If you are painting the faces with a solid material, you need to reverse the faces and paint them too, then you should be able to edit it to transparent. Or paint the group itself with one of the glass materials to begin with.

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now wait a minute. i have always been taught to paint INSIDE the group or component and not on the outside because it will cause issues further down the road… haha

ill try it out in a moment

The menu item offscreen is just Reverse faces.

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Not necessarily problems down the road. Applying a material to the outside of a component or the faces inside the same component do very different things. There is an appropriate use case for each.


Thanks all. I will be teying these tomorrow. I just got off work and im spent for the night. Ill report back.