"MAJ Rail". Sketchup Plugin to create Rails

In the older version, you had a list of types from A to P, and you had to choose one. However, it was challenging to remember which type matched each shape. In the new version (2025), the railing shapes are displayed alongside the list, making it much easier to select the correct type. The plugin is also more user-friendly, allowing you to effortlessly adjust the railing parameters.
The “MAJ Rail” plugin is a powerful tool for creating railings and fences. As you use the plugin, SketchUp’s status bar provides helpful guidance and displays the active keys to assist you in the process. In the free plugin version 2024 you will be able to see demo of paid railings.

This version has been thoroughly tested and is fully compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.

You can download the latest version by following this link:

For more information visit Youtube.

“MAJ Rail” V1.0.5 released.
Download link address:

I found and downloaded the .rbz file. After a bit of searching I finally found the tutorial video. After working with it enough to learn a little I found that there are only 3 rail types (A, B, & C) in the free version. I would like to investigate the paid version, but can find no information on how to go about buying it. I did find a ‘Donate’ button before logging in to Sketchucation, but could not find it after logging in.

Could you please tell us more about the paid version, the fee and more about the types of posts and rails available? I’m especially interested in picket fences, and balusters used in stair rails and old-fashioned porch banister railings.


Just in case anyone wonders, or if Majid866 passes by, he found the solution :slight_smile:


You can install it in SU same as other plugins. Please search the internet to find out how can you do it.

Best regards,

Majid Mahmoudi

I wish to back to this old topic. As @dezmo said Sketchup.active_model.active_view.refresh cannot work inside of Sketchup.active_model.start_operation and Sketchup.active_model.commit_operation but if we don’t have start and stop operation it works well. Is there any solution that we can refresh the view inside start and stop operation?