Mac OS materials palette

Can we get two things changed on the Mac materials palette? the color selector highlight is a light blue and super hard to see, especially when you have a bunch of materials in the palette.
2.can you put the ‘in models’ color selector as a a button instead of buried in the list of material types? I have a long list of loaded materials that I have added personally, and the ‘in model’ is buried somewhere in the middle.

Click the house icon on the pallet.

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The button right there - where it’s been forever. Just click it.


+1 for the colour selector highlight. A bold black outline would be better, although that wouldn’t show for a black or really dark colour. :thinking:

Awesome! I didn’t know that trick, thanks!

Perhaps the user can select the color of choice, like the Mac system setting

Another trick is to resize the color panel real small (like one row) and then sample existing colors in the model view (hit ‘B’ for the tool, then hold Cmd to pipet colors in the viewport)

The picked material will be in that row…

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There are combinations of actions where the picked material isn’t highlighted in the Colors in Model set. For example, if you happened to be in another set at the time. Or if you switch to another model or application, when you come back the material isn’t highlighted.

The material is still in the bottom left corner swatch. Clicking that will re-highlight the material in the Colors in Model set.

I see that on Windows the problem is less of an issue, because there is a gap between the thumbnail and the highlighting stroke, so even if your chosen color exactly matched the highlight color, you would notice it appear. @kathy_davies could make a note of that, as a possible improvement for Mac.

There is other ongoing work that involves showing the thumbnails in a different way, so we may not do anything to improve things for the current thumbnails. I can’t tell you about that other work for now!

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@Colin Good to know. Really hoping that involves an auto-sort text list with thumbnails please.