I think it would be great to have a more robust color/materials palette:
- Thumbnail mode (how it currently appears)
- List mode (small thumbnail on left, name on the right)
- Add a means to sort or reorder by name
- And/or being able to group materials into folders
Related, when hovering over the material in Entity Info, it ought to provide the name of the color/material.
When selecting the material in Entity Info, although it outlines the material in the Material palette, that outline can be difficult to find in files with many materials. Being able to adjust the selection’s outline color would be helpful.
Dead right.
As a relative n00b I still find it horrible to navigate and it’s holding me back from developing that side of my skills.
If anyone has any amazing tutorials they can point to it would be very much appreciated.
The material editor needs HUGE improvement. Sadly, it’s long been forgotten! How do we rally together to bring this to Trimble’s attention!?
Trimble converted the Windows version of SketchUp to use the Qt GUI library in 2022. It is reasonable to believe they will do the same for Mac, to finally unify across both versions. OTOH, it can be expected that some Mac users won’t like the change in look and feel.
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Hopefully the majority will welcome a more useful, improved core function. I surely would, and I don’t even know what the windows one is like haha.