Please, please implement a usable materials picker / manager on MacOS.
It’s almost impossible to use effectively if you have many materials in a project.
Even when you select a material in the scene the highlight around the picker swatch (which is erratic as to whether it actually highlights the picked m material) is the SketchUp muted blue colour which is nigh impossible to see if you have dark materials, its exacerbated if you have a 4k or 5k monitor.
At the very least please implement the ability to view as a descriptive list or large thumbnails like you can in every other picker (scenes, styles etc) or able to choose a different highlight colour or add a 1 or 2 pixel white border between the picked material swatch and the highlight.
There are a couple of redraw issues in the Mac Colors palette. While those are not yet fixed, you can do these things:
If you eye-dropper sampled a material, and can’t see any Colors in Model material highlighted, click on the large swatch thumbnail in the lower left. That should highlight the right material.
Some actions, making a new material for example, might not show a change in the Colors palette. If you have done a change and expected the number of materials to have increased, try resizing the Colors palette. Or switch to another SketchUp file, or Finder and back. Basically any action that forces the Colors palette to redraw itself correctly.
Colin - given that many/most longtime MacOS SU users have requested/expressed a preference for the (Windows) SU materials pallet, is it simply inattention to Mac users needs — or is there a technical reason why there has been nothing done after years of complaints?
(and apologies if this sounds overly pissy, just a reflection of years of frustration times the intentional obliqueness of SU development plans / priorities).
So there is an underlying technical issue that has thwarted change. Good to know that at least it’s on their radar and soon(?) to drop into the dev hopper.
I would definitely take the Windows version of the palette, the current MacOS is ‘almost’ not fit for purpose if you have a large number of materials inna model. Although the colour shelf underneath is nice functionality from the MacOS colour picker