I am wondering if I could get someone to convert a .pln file into a .skp or collade .dae file. I do not have archicad and have a client that only knows how to send it out as a .pln file. If anyone could help me out that would be great. I will return the favor if you need anything from me. Thanks.
What I am trying to say does anyone know if it is possible to import a archicad file into sketchup?
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From the 3D window in Archicad you can do a Save As… and select .skp as the file format. It is built-in to the newer versions of Archicad (I use versions 18 and 20, but I think that even earlier ones don’t need a plugin).
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Thank you very much. I had an architect today get angry with me asking him to convert the file to a .skp. Now I know that it isnt very difficult and does not take that much time.
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