Looking for people interested in Beta testing GhostMenu, a new extension for SketchUp

Hi All,

I’ve been working on an app that I’m currently calling GhostMenu™, It promises a new way of working in the SketchUp UI, and does some pretty cool things (if I do say so myself).

Current Functionality

  • Adds a popup tool menu that will pop to where your mouse is ready for you to quickly access your familiar toolbar tools such as draw etc…
  • Adds a popup view control menu to make switching between views, as well as turning on and off rendering options really easy. Things like toggling hidden objects, or hidden geometry.
  • A texture palette that allows you to save your current active texture as an instantly recolorable material so that you can get realistic color variants in a couple of clicks.
  • Theoretically works from 2017 to 2020 +

I’d love people to help test it, (Currently on Windows, but soon on Mac)
I’m hoping to find 10-12 lead users to help test it, and to provide early feedback. Sign up at the form below.

Possibilities for Developers
I’m interested in also hearing from other extension developers. The unique approach to this app and extension allows much richer and more immersive UI’s to be built than what is currently possible in SketchUp. I’d love to learn about how this could support your extensions, with the goal of creating simple slick and context aware experiences.

Check it out
Take a look at the screenshots to get a sense of the current capabilities. I wanted to make a video, but don’t yet have the abilities… You’re gonna need to use your imaginations on how smooth and slick this thing is.


This looks really cool. I’d be happy to try. :slight_smile:

1 Like

I would be interested in this. I’m on a Mac, so happy to test when version available.

I also would like to give it a whirl.

As a developer, I’m interested to see more!

Thanks for everyone who’s signed up.

If you haven’t filled out the form, but are interested. Please fill out the form and I’ll send you the details to your email address.

I just released the app and a video of how it works today to those that signed up. So it’s all action.

Now I switch to Apple and get that Mac version going.

Ok, Sneak peek of this menu working in MacOS. It’s almost ready for Beta testers.
So for anyone else interested in trying it on Mac, I’m close to ready to send it out to you.



Hi Doug
I would love to help test this, it looks like a great timesaver, particularly if you can add any menu extensions into it. I am running a Macbook Pro i9 with Sketchup Pro 2020 and Catalina 10.15.5 although I will be upgrading to 10.15.6 soon. I am a commercial Production Designer and anything that helps workflow is always great. Look forward to trying it soon

best regards


I’m interested in testing it on the Mac once it’s ready.

Looks like an interesting approach — looking forward to trying it out.

Ok Thanks everyone for testing this. It’s really appreciated.

I have just released a public Beta for this, and would love anyone who’s interested to give it a crack / Give me feedback on it. Prior to me advertising it more publicly.

Any feedback is useful including

  • Things that don’t work
  • Things that are confusing
  • Things you don’t like.

It can be found for both Windows and Mac as a v1.0.1 download at the following location

Did I need to mention that it’s currently free?



Shy ghost is active…

and how do I use it?

ctrl+space to launch…? does nothing

I can see nothing obvious to get this working

Thanks @PaulMcAlenan ,

On Mac?
You might need to do the following.

  1. Actively run the app from in the applications directory
  2. Install the rbz file seperately into SketchUp’s extension manager
  3. Restart SketchUp?

On Windows
Similar, but you just need to install the app, then install the Extension.

Still any luck? or no luck?

Installation is still one of the areas i’m trying to work out how to make simpler, so i appreciate your feedback on it.

Thanks for the reply Doug.

Running Windows.

Shy Ghost is active, extension installed.

SketchUp model is open - what should I do to launch? ctrl+space does nothing

@PaulMcAlenan thanks for the update.

In theory you should just press Ctrl+Space… but I’m assuming that something else is stopping it working.

If you are seeing the light colored ghost window in SketchUp then it should be working perfectly and it’s probably that the keyboard shortcut has a conflict (i’d need to research). If you’re seeing the dark ghost, then try the following.

Can you try the following.

  1. Do you have a desktop shortcut for GhostMenu?
  • If not, then try to reinstall the .exe file again
  1. In your taskbar (by the clock), there should be a small red icon for Ghost Menu. Does it show the app when you click on it and choose ‘Show Window’?
  • If this icon is not there, then please click the shortcut on your desktop
  • If the window doesn’t show when you click this, I’d be really interested in knowing.


I do use AutoHotKey but I’m certain I haven’t assigned ctrl+space for anything.

I’ll disable my AHK scripts and try again

You may need to close and reopen Sketchup OR close and reopen the GhostMenu app from the taskbar.

If it’s failed to get the hot key set up the first time. It might need a nudge. If I remember rightly it sets it when it connects to SketchUp.

  • …making note to add ways to set hotkeys for users.

Disabled AutoHotKey and tried again.

Shy Ghost and the extension is active but I can’t seem to see how it works.

ctrl+space does nothing

Ok thanks Paul. I’ll look into it and see if I can make an updated version that’ll have better luck. I’ve never run into this issue before so will need to dig into it.

I assume the ‘show window’ menu function showed the ghostmenu window? So you’d have access to the config tab of the app?


I don’t know what I should be seeing or enabling…?

Is there an “always on top” setting? I would like to stick it in a corner.