Looking for a circle / cone push pull extension

Hello, I have seen this a few times online whereby people have managed to make a circle on a curved surface and pull it in much like creating a buttoned back sofa. I’m sure there is an extension out there that will allow me to draw a circle and pull/push it into the surface to create the upholstered button back I am looking to do.

Please advise me the best extension for this? I appreciate your help.


Don’t know of an extension but it’s easy enough with native tools.

Draw a circle the size you want the largest (or smallest - you can start from either end) then pushpull it into the surface to the depth you need. Delete the outer face. Select the inner face, then Scale about Centre (use Ctrl on Windows, or Option on Mac to choose ‘about centre’ when the Scale tool is active).

If you want more than one level of indentation, repeat for each level.

Thanks, but how would i be able to draw a circle on this curved surface? I try and it comes out completely flat on not on the curved surface

Ah, sorry - I didn’t pick that up properly.

Easiest way with native tools again is to make your first cylinder, leaving a good bit outside the curved surface as well as pushpulling it in as far as you want. Then use Intersect with Faces to create the intersections with the curved surface, delete the surplus outside cylinder, delete any faces remaining inside the cylinder that are part of the curved surface, and proceed as before.

As you have Pro, you could use Solid Tools to subtract the cylinder from the cushion (provided it is a solid). or better, use either Eneroths Solid Tools plugin, or Jim Foltz’s Trim and Keep (jf_trim_keep) both of which leave existing components as components, whereas the native Solid Tools convert components to groups.

Have to go out now before shops shut but if you can upload a cushion or sofa back, I’ll try to demonstrate and record an animated GIF late tonight UK time.


Brilliant, thanks for the video Mihai and also for your help John. Will try both these methods tomorrow and see how I get on. Such a simple thing but couldn’t find information on it anywhere!

Appreciate the help.

also on top of what was described above you could use fredo’ s round corner too?

also see:

You will find a lot of hints in this topic …