Live Components - News & Updates

Hi everyone!

This is a new topic where we will be posting when we make updates to content, have new Live Components to share with you or have general points of discussion around Live Components that we would like your input on.

I (David) am part of Materia/CDG (Computational Design Group), which is a Trimble service/team and the technology responsible for creating and powering Live Components. We are based out of Wellington, New Zealand, and my team in particular is tasked with creating Live Components and publishing them on the Sketchup 3DW for you to use.

Iā€™m really looking forward to sharing and interacting with you all more in the future!

Stayed tuned for updates coming in the next few days.


So, that explains in part why theyā€™re all metric. Nothing wrong with metric. I just have to work in imperial here in the USA. Any time a person sitting at a computer has to pull out a calculator, you know somethingā€™s wrong with this picture. I hope when things are working smoothly enough, you can get them dual system.

Definitely looking forward to more functionality with this.

Well, this is quite an insight into how Trimble are operating. Presumably, this is a form of outsourcing.

I imagine you have been following the various posts related specifically to Live Components here on the forum. One of the issues I raised is that there is a lack of commonality between similar LCs making it difficult to, say, marry different window LCs and door LCs together. Also, there is some suspicion that whoever is drawing the LCs does not have a great in-depth knowledge of joinery construction, or indeed what designers require in terms of being able to adapt the LCs. If you accept that criticism, it suggests you need people on your team who do understand those things. Otherwise, the usefulness of LCs will be seriously reduced and they will likely go the same way as the much hyped, but little used, DCs.


Hahahaā€¦ finally a metric win !


In a way, the inch is ā€œmetricā€ too, as it is a derived unit. The definition of an inch is a length of 25.4 millimeters.


Quite the contrary. The technology to support LiveComponents came from New Zealand. Any response from those of us in Colorado is ā€œoutsourcedā€ :wink:

As far as the details like joinery are concerned, we welcome the feedback but be aware that the NZ team also has deep roots in architecture and construction. Any discrepancies in level of detail are likely related to the desire to support more configurations vs more detailed representations of any one option. Though if something is very wrong let us know and weā€™ll see if we can fix it.

They aquired Materia, like many other companies, itā€™s outside there headquarters, but is an internal organization.
There are four or five main industries, construction being one of them ( small part of that is SketchUp, one of the other 700 companies )

The success of the Dynamic Components is relative, one could think that is has no future or is too complicated, but the reason that they donā€™t get rid of it might be because the overall implemented usage across a lot of endusers. Amongst them major companies, presumably.

If I understand some of what @tickletickle had in mind, it should deliver constructive models.
Still a ā€˜labā€™ projectā€¦

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Many applications have their own parametric object types. None of those that I know of have made the workflow to author them too easy for an user to master. Archicad users have to master a programming language. Revit has a somewhat clunky system using construction planes, dimensions and locks. SketchUp Dynamic blocks are somewhere between the two.

Unless I will be able to author my own, these will never be useful like DCs to my workflow/business. We design and build decks and outdoor structures, pool houses etcā€¦ the ability to embed custom takeoff info and customize quantity formulas are key IMO.


I agree completely. Without self-authoring, the list of available models will either be way too restricted or way too large to navigate (a bit like the 3DW now). But I have been imagining (hoping?) that the current approach is merely a taster for the rollout of a much more user-adaptable facility. If the user-friendliness of LCs can be married to that, they may have a winner on their hands and something that beats all the alternatives @Anssi has outlined above.


Youā€™re correct in saying that Live Components are in metric when configuring on the 3D Warehouse, but if you load a Live Component in your SketchUp scene, you can switch between the unit of your scene (inch) and the unit the LC was made in (mm)


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Check out this thread and fill out this form if youā€™re interested in testing and authoring Live Components.

We might be looking closer to 2022 rather than 2021, but trust me when I say its something we are putting a lot of work into :smiley:


what I do not understand? why canā€™t live components be created by users? I am a professional in space planning, your components are very good, but they do not interest me, I would like to be able to create my components as I do with dynamic components (which have never evolved) my customers want to see their products ā€¦ not yours !!! so will we be able to create live components? thank you


Hi tenrev. Our tool for authoring is still in development, but we are looking at making this available to the public early in 2022.

If you want to learn how to make them, and be involved in testing the authroing tool, please fill out this form, and weā€™ll get you on the list of testers!

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Cool, already signed up.

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Hi everyone,

We have some Live Component updates for you! Weā€™ve made significant changes to 7 Live Components and minor changes to some others. These changes have come from feedback from you, the users, as well as some changes we thought youā€™d like.

Hereā€™s a list of the significant changes weā€™ve made:

Curved Modular Couch

  • Added a slanted option to the backrest and height changing legs with reciprocating seat height to make a version that is less boxy.

Wall-mounted Kitchen Cabinets Module

  • Added in an open shelf option below the cabinet when it gets to a certain height and fixed some material issues.

Garden Gate

  • Included some more gate options and added height controls for the gate.

Residential Interior Door

  • Fixed the height and width so that they are now read accurately, as well as added a few material options.

Partition Wall

  • Added some cool wave patterns for the opening/closing of the petals.

Cafe Table

  • Included a few additional seating styles.

Tesselated Pod

  • Weā€™ve added in a few different shapes, as well as control over the height, width and length.

Weā€™ve also made minor changes to the following Live Components to improve their functionality:

Feature Wall
Unica Pure
Unica Studio
Double Mulled Window
Waste Can
Steel Column and Beam
Garden Lighting
Multi-Unit Window
Single Window with Transom

Itā€™s important to remember with these Live Components, that we have to maintain a certain worldly design style for them, so some suggested updates havenā€™t been made. However, we do our best to address everything that we can.

We hope you guys enjoy the updates weā€™ve made! Keep the suggestions coming :smiley:


thank you David, I followed the link and I registered by filling out the form, I hope that I will be eligible for the live components tests, I have been making a lot of fairly advanced dynamic components for 15 years with a lot of functions and I have participated in the beta test of the Samuel T plugin
parametric modeling in SketchUp using a node editor similar to Unreal Engine blueprints or Grashopper

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Hi all!

After a bit of a hiatus, we have some brand new Live Components for you today!

Cabinetry has been a hugely demanded Live Component from the Sketchup community, with people wanting models ranging from kitchen cabinets to bathroom cabinets to general dining room cabinets.

The trouble with building Live Component cabinets is getting enough detail and customization built into the Live Components so that they are useful for you, the user.

Because of this, we have decided to do a whole range of cabinetry LCs so that you can get the customization necessary to make your designs truly your own.

Today we are releasing the following Live Components:

  1. Straight cabinet carcass
  2. Corner cabinet carcass
  3. Cabinet front plain
  4. Cabinet front recessed handle
  5. Cabinet front shaker
  6. Cabinet front cutout handle
  7. Straight handle
  8. Angle handle
  9. Knob handle

These Live Components have been designed to work together so that you can build out a full set of fully-customized cabinets.

Check out the full collection here

And our youtube video outlining the release here

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!


Iā€™ve seen enough examples about what Live Component can create but when you let user create their own?

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The public-facing authoring tool is currently in development. Watch this space!