LCs and reporting?

Curious if there has been any news on adding reporting attributes to LCs? Or if it’s even on the longterm plan at all…?

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without data its just lines, a count of components at best

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Hey, that’s a great observation. There are some plans reporting and attributes. What types of reporting are you interested in specifically?

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eventually all BIM and IFC, but basic first

I suggest text(s) objects that can be inserted at nodes to list the quantities, both invisible (greater detail) and visible (notation to see in model or layout)

so a label “CJ: 10/2.4, 5/3.0” would be the visible and the full details “Ceiling Joists”,“90x35”, “MGP10”, “non treated”,“3/2125mm”,“7/2315mm”,5/2990mm",… hidden but excess to report

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My workflow involves a suite of DCs that have their own reporting attributes (quantity, spec, unit, etc…) which I summarize using Generate Report. I think it would be beneficial use generate report to get the attributes from LCs in the same way. I have not spent any real time on LCs yet as I need the reporting ability to justify the time investment. It would really facilitate moving a workflow from DC to LC, a bit at a time. The idea of having to build an entire library to make the switch over, vs designing a few components and learning as time allows…

We discussed it briefly here as well:

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