Layout viewports?

Just moved to 2020 subscription.
Im finding that once you have a viewport set up in layout, it is not possible to change to another scene without having to re-import the model.
Not sure exactly how its happening, but it does not happen all the time…
anyone else having issues like this?

You should be able to change the scene in the Model Inspector…

You should be able to change to another scene although ift might not look like you are doing so if you’ve modified the Camera settings. The settings you make in the SketchUp Model panel override your scene settings in SketchUp. If there’s a Reset button in the Camera section, press it.
Screenshot - 11_18_2020 , 4_59_05 PM

Do not re-insert the model file. It will create additional references and bloat your LO file.

Share the LO file so we can see what you have set up and help you get it sorted.

When I highlight the offending viewport , I get a “Reset all” option. Will that reset all the viewports in the drawing or just the viewport?

It will reset all of the settings for the select viewport. Once you’ve reset all, you should be able to select the desired scene.

I’ve found it easiest when copying a viewport to immediately check to see if Reset All is available and use it. That applies unless I am copying a viewport for stacking in which case I don’t want to reset anything. Probably just choose a different style for the copy.

That’s the fix DaveR thank you

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