Is there a way to edit the sketchup model trough the viewports in layout ?
Im asking this because when i place dimensions in layout and then sometimes i change something in the sketchup model or even if i move the viewport, because i dont like its position or something, the dimensions will not be in the correct place.
You can manipulate the view by double clicking in a window but the general advice is to avoid doing so as it breaks the link with the SU drawing.
If you placed your dimensions properly so that they relate to specific points in the SU drawing window, they should change if you edit the SU drawing. Unless you have double clicked in a window…
You can open the sketchup model attached to any viewport for editing in SketchUp. Select the viewport and right click then select open with SketchUp. However, it sounds like this might not be the correct thing to accomplish what your are trying to do. Are your dimensions done in SketchUp or in Layout? Layout it looks like, when you say move the viewport, do you mean double-clicking to orbit or zoom the model as @simoncbevans says, or move the closed viewport around the page?
Ah well, hopefully that will get fixed down the road. It’s a lot to take in for someone who joined 23 min ago. @dvdlopes78, if you can post your Layout file here or post a link to a file hosting service one of us can take a look at the file and give you more focused advice on how you can improve your workflow.
Could it be that the OP thinks he is using 2020 and Layout but actually is using the free version? The profile info is confusing even before you get to the post.
Hi everyone, wow i didnt know i would get such quick responses.
Im using pro 2020 in this case.
In the first example i placed the dimensions in layout, but on the second image when i moved the viewport, one of the outside dimension on the floorplan didnt move along with the others, why is that ?
Shoul i dimension in Sketchup ? From what i have read it shoul be done in Layout right ?
If you change the length of what you dimensioned in the model, it’s dimension should update in LO when you update the reference. That assumes both ends of the dimension are anchored to the model.
Dave, I’m curious about your experience with this. I’m pretty careful to attach my LayOut dimensions cleanly to my SketchUp geometry. However, when I make a change to my model and update my LayOut viewports, I find it rather hit and miss whether the dimensions will correctly update or become disconnected. I’ll often have many dimensions turn red and require reconnection. Sometimes group-selecting my disconnected dimensions and performing a batch “Reconnect to model” will resolve most or all of the issues. However, I had one instance where LayOut seemed to get creative with the reconnection process - attaching my dimensions to different grip points rather than the ones I had originally selected. Do you have any advice for improving the durability of LayOut dimension attachment points when revising your SketchUp model?
I rarely have any issues with dimensions remaining attached to the model. Normally the only time that happens is if I’ve modified a componet’s geometry and removed/replaced one or both of the points to which a dimension is anchored. That’s because I have destroyed the Persistent ID for the point(s). It’s a simple enough thing to reattach those dimensions manually if they won’t reconnected automatically, though.
I do make it a practice to have the model as close to correct as possible before I start adding dimensions. Invariably there end up being some changes along the way but my modeling method makes those changes easy to manage and there’s rarely any real problems with dimensions in LO, then.
I’m not sure I can give you any exact advice for improving the “durability” of the attachments, though.
A lot of my models are pretty detailed with a lot of geometry created by ProfileBuilder. Also, I often use FredoScale box stretching rather than native tools when I need to shorten or lengthen something. I wonder if that might create problems for LayOut dimensions?
Thanks for your prompt reply. I will do a little more digging at my end to try to figure out what I’m doing wrong.
I don’t how FredoScale might affect PIDs when objects get modified. Maybe it does result in them being changed. Profile Builder might also do that when things need to get edited. I use FredoScale for some things but for resizing things I usually find it’s just as easy and in some cases faster to modify dimensions with native tools. Good luck.