In LayOut when I use Label Command, then GroupName, when I added more than only GroupName, Face Area, etc., then the GroupName does not appear, it only shows < GroupName >.
Thanks for your help.
It seems, that the first tag, GroupName, Face Area or viceversa it only appears < GroupName > or < Face Area > and the second tag works fine.
Not a bug. It’s not designed to work that way. Those tags come from different entities. You can make a second label and give it a transparent leader so it looks like one label.
BTW, you can select more than one auto text tag from a given entity. Here I show both area and the coordinates of the point I selected.
Tnanks, but as you can see, the problem is that after I selected FaceArea or GroupName, etc. The problem is that Layout does not show the area or the name, it only shows the “FaceArea”, “GroupName”,etc.
In your latest screenshot, the label appears to be attached to a face. This allows us to get the coordinates at the point of the face that the label is connected, as well as the area of the face, and the Scene Name can be gathered without any additional information. However, the Group Name can only be gathered if you choose to connect to a Group in the hierarchy.
We don’t look at the face’s parent to see if it is a Group or component or the root of the model, which is why we do not replace the <GroupName> auto-text in this instance. It could be argued that maybe we should allow this, but that is not how it works at this time.
Update: I finally understood that the entity group name does not work at the same time with entity face with the same label. But as Dave and you said, I can put another label to use the entity that I need. Thanks for your help.