Everytime I quit Layout, the keyboard shortcuts i install are restored to default settings. It seems like a bug. Is there any way I can make the new settings stick?
Best regards,
Everytime I quit Layout, the keyboard shortcuts i install are restored to default settings. It seems like a bug. Is there any way I can make the new settings stick?
Best regards,
I am not sure but I seem to remember that this happens if you quit LayOut without saving.
It doesn’t matter if I save or not, whenever I open Layout, the settings are reset
Try repairing your SketchUp installation. Locate your installer or re-download from the SketchUp webpage. Right-click on the installer and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu. Select the Repair option when prompted.
I tried the repair option. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. My shortcuts are never saved.
I always have this same issue. It also never remembers my file location preferences. Once upon a time (sketchup2017-19?) it remembered everything and saved it. But now, I don’t even bother. I still haven’t figured how, and when it decides to save my tools pallets!
Repair has never cured a quirk for me, either. I wish I could give you an answer. Someone here can surely help.
Are you using a company computer? There might be some weird settings. Note too that AFAIK shortcut changes are not saved if you quit SketchUp without saving your file after setting them.
I agree with Lisa, The keyboard shortcuts should be exportable and savable, like all prefs in SU. Workflow is severely impacted by having to set this up every time you close LA.
The same issue here…I set my shortcuts and they are back to default by the next time I open Layout.
An option to save layout shortcuts would be very helpful tough.