Layout how do I change the scale

How do I change the scale in Layout the default is in mm. I want to change the scale to 1/4" = 1’


Change the scale of what? The dimensions shown with the Dimension tool when adding dimensions in Paper Space? If so, you can set the scale in the Dimensions window.

When you are drawing in LO, the lengths of lines and such will always be given as paper space dimensions. You can change the units in Edit>Preferences but there is no scale to set.

for the embedded SketchUp model and in a non-perspective view only under “Window > SketchUp Model > View > Ortho > …”:

I set the scale in the dimension window but it will not save my changes or allow me to to make changes in the scale tray

Those dimension scales only impact scale settings for SketchUp model viewports.

Ok, all I was trying to accomplish was a layout and I wanted to add my own dimensions or draw it to scale in layout the size was 48’ x 40’ when I grab the dimension tab it dim’s it to the scale as drawn

Tim Larsen
Director of Technical Operations
Fabrication Division
P.O. Box 567
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p: 920-734-5791

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You should draw the layout in SketchUp and create a scene with the camera set to Parallel Projection. Save the file and send it to LayOut. Then you can set the viewport to your desired scale.

By the way, you might want to go to the SketchUp Community Forum and edit your previous post. It appears to have all your contact info from your e-mail.

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