The dimension lines are not in line with an bject when drawn under a perspective. Very ugly.
To try a kind of temporally solution, I did, in SU, create an extra scene with a dimension layer for that object/viewport and did draw there the dimension. Sometimes I use a stacked viewport or just on one Viewport, ( SU object and dimension).
Then of course the lines are lined ok, but to get the text right I do create a dimension in LO, with the stroke’s off. A little rotation.
Its ok, size is connected, corner just a little odd.
However, I have a few objects and when they are under a specific perspective in SU the dimension disappeared in SU. When I move back it comes back again. At that point when it is not showing up in SU, it doesn’t either show up in the Viewport in LO.
I did create a example to show what is happening in SU. It is the same object, but under a slightly different perspective.
Any suggestions to get the dimensions right?