Layout displaying very large dimensions in viewport

It was not an issue in the 2016 version, the dimensions in the viewport would auto-resize. For some reason in 2017 they are quite large, and there doesn’t appear to be any way of re-sizing them. This is a screen shot of what I’m referring to. Just a simple box for reference. I dimension the isometric view in SketchUp so the leader lines are perspective also. Just looks better in my opinion. In the 2016 version the dimensions in the layout document would appear the same size on the screen as the referenced sketchup document. Help??

What is the font size in SketchUp?

12, same as it has always been. In my drawings anyhow. :frowning:


I reduced the font size in sketchup to 8 pt, and it reduced the size in the viewport in layout a tiny bit, but not by much. But it made it nearly unreadable in sketchup! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s been like that for as long as I can remember. If SU dimensions are close to reasonable size in LO, they’ve always been too small to read in SU.

Weird, I’ve never had a problem before. Here is a screen shot of the same model, opened in 2016, and inserted into layout 2016. I put the font size back to 12 pt in sketchup because that’s what it was always at before. As you can see, the font sizes are pretty well the same. If I need to I’ll just make the font size super tiny in sketchup 2107 so that they are a more manageable size in layout. It’s just not ideal.

I’m having this same trouble with Layout 2017. The font size carry-over from SketchUp is very much oversized. SkechUp 2016, nor earlier versions have had this problem. I cannot use Layout 2017 since all the dimensions interfere and overlap as a result of the oversizing.


The LayOut team is very interested in trouble-shooting the issue that you’re having. Can you share these files with me? ( What screen magnification percentage are you using? (Control Panel → Display)


A related observation: the space between the dimension line and the dimension is a bit wider in V17 compared to V16 (very clear at the bottom 290). Dimensions were added in SketchUp - 8pts setting. I would prefer them sticking more to the dimension line. It uses more space like this, especially with multiple dimension lines. at the same side.
Edit: allways vector rendered

I hadn’t noticed this before as my plans are usually vector rendered.

@Marc: This seems to be related to the rendering method, if you switch your SketchUp view to use Vector or Hybrid rendering, the text size matches the same sized text on the LayOut page.

Vector rendering:

Raster rendering:

Windows 8.1, screen at 100%


I had never had any success with hybrid rendering things with textures (which most of my drawings have on at least one page) it crashed layout every single time in the 2016 version. But I just tried it in 2017 and it worked!! The dimensions did shrink when hybrid rendered. They’re not quite as small as they were or I would like them, but they just might do. This is an alright fix for now, thank you!

I have exactly the same problem. Using 2024 version (same in 2023)
Font for dimensions in LayOut is much larger than in SketchUp. To have reasonable size in LayOut I need to make font size in SketchUp tiny, unreadable 5pt. If I make dimensions readable in SketchUp 12 pt, they become huge in LayOut.

Add the dimensions in LayOut, not in SketchUp.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for suggestion.
I already have all dimensions in SketchUp. I think it’s much easier then adding them in LayOut.

Also what you are suggesting is a workaround, I would prefer if there is an actual solution for this problem.


this implies that you could get a lot out of learning how to use LayOut correctly.

Sorry you feel that way. Adding dimensions in LayOut is not a workaround. The Dimension tool in LayOut yields much better results than those in SketchUp and it’s much more capable.

If you aren’t going to use the intended workflow, and stick to dimensioning in SketchUp, you’ll have to adjust the dimensions to get them to look the way you want in LayOut.

this implies that you could get a lot out of learning how to use LayOut correctly.

I am not denying that

Sorry you feel that way. Adding dimensions in LayOut is not a workaround. The Dimension tool in LayOut yields much better results than those in SketchUp and it’s much more capable.

SketchUp has a Dimensions tool. It is an intended workflow to use the Dimensions in the SketchUp. Maybe you find LayOut dimensions more powerful, that’s ok, but that doesn’t mean one should not use SketchUp dimensions.
However, after importing it to LayOut, those dimensions are rendered incorrectly in large font. It is a problem and this thread is a proof that I am not the only one facing it. It would be nice if LayOut persists font size from SketchUp, or allows adjusting font size for SketchUp dimensions.

If you aren’t going to use the intended workflow…

Are you the authority on what the intended workflow should be?

sketchup’s dimensions are work dimension. they allow you to check your work, and have measurements visible on screen as you proceed. they exist on your screen.

layout’s dimensions are publication dimensions. they are here to prepare documents and export them in order to (usually) print them on physical sheets of paper.

in sketchup, if you pick a point sized dimension - say 12pt - it’s remain 12pt on screen no matter how you zoom in or out. but as it is transferred to layout, this stops. because on a sheet of paper, the font size can’t change as you zoom.
in sketchup you can also have another unit than pt. you could have 20cm tall dimensions. but they would scale up and down as you apply a proper scale on your drawing.

layout’s dimensions will remain coherent vis à vis your paper sheet regardless of the zoom or scale you apply. they’ll even update after changes in sketchup.

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There is a logic in the layout software that takes 12pt dimensions text from sketchup and renders it (prints it) as a text of certain size in mm. Currently that logic seems to be hardcoded and the mapping causes the fonts to be too large. It would be nice if there is a scale setting where you can adjust the ratio.

There is, but your viewports have to use the Parallel Projection camera to be able to get a set scale.

12 pt is a totally different measure in SketchUp and LayOut. In SketchUp it amounts to 12 pixels on screen so it depends on your screen resolution. In LayOut 12 pt is 12 typographic points, that is about 4,25 mm.