In a custom template (derived from Sonders/Donley) I erased a file and went to Insert/during election of a different folder, the program crashed. This became Splat #4388.
Previously, LO quit when I tried to open the custom template via Send to LayOut. Then a file image appeared–that is, the custom template with an inserted SU image from a previous session. This file opened but then crashed as described above.
There is current a crash that can happen if a SketchUp model has a scene that is saved in such a way that the style is not updated. We have that fixed in current builds, and whenever there is an update that fix should be in it.
In the bug report I had already added this work around:
“There is a work around: In SketchUp, show the secondary pane for Scenes, and check the box for Style and Fog. Do a Save, and now the file can be sent to LayOut without causing a crash.”
For your case, open the SKP you want to use in the template, select any scene and show the secondary pane, and check the box for Style. Do a Save after fixing each scene, and then the file should not crash LayOut.
That you see the model file name gives me hope. Perhaps it will do the same for me when I reopen LO. I neglected to say that after your reply to another member clued me in on NOT having VPs on a shared layer I corrected for that. It took me a minute or two to find the Move to layer… command.
BTW, I only tried to see the model dilemma in the one Floor Plan. I’ll post again in the morning.
Many thanks!
I have corrected all scenes, but as I state in another post, after saving it, the file is reachable except when approached by means of “LO/file/Insert.” How can LO blackball my SU file?