LayOut constantly losing its Undo and Redo function

As mentioned in the title, LayOut 2019 constantly loses it’s undo function.
I know you guys are aware of it.
So is there an update for LayOut 2019 that fixes this, for good?

We paid for this software. Bugs do happen. Fine.
But it’s not too much to ask for to get a bug fix for this.
Thanks in advance.

I think it’s safe to assume that there’ll be no more changes to SketchUp/LayOut 2019 at this point.

Make sure that you have the latest maintenance release to version 2019. It is the one that can be downloaded from the SketchUp download page.

That bug was fixed in the 2020 release, if you had an active maintenance at that time, you might have received that license info, too.
Not sure if the release prior to 19.2 (or 19.3 for mac) is still available.

Thank you, Anssi.
I have LayOut Version 19.3.252.
Do you know if this was the latest release?
Thanks again.

The download page is perfectly hidden (didn’t really expect anything else from Trimble).
Logged in to my account, but haven’t found anything here either.
Could you be so kind and give me hint where to find that page, please?
Thanks again.

Perhaps not looking in the right place? Try this:

19.3 was the last version of SketchUp 2019.

For anyone else who comes along. The SketchUp Help Center has the link.

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Thank you Dave!

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