Layout seems to have lost the ability to inference a circle’s center points. I frequently have need to dimension hole layouts in drawings. It was already tedious to begin with, having to zoom in extremely close to the hole, hold on the edge for a moment, then grab the center point, then zoom out in order to grab the edge of a part I am trying to locate the hole from. But now I’m not even able to inference the center point after hovering on the edge for a moment. Now I am relegated to attempting to grab the tangent of the edge of the circle as it relates to the center on the x or y axis. Is anyone else encountering this problem?
As a side comment to this problem. If anyone from the Layout teem is listening. When someone is dimensioning something with a circle of any kind it is extremely rare that one would want to inference the edge of that circle (not impossible…but rare). It would be wonderful if the dimensioning tool would default to the center point of a circle in this circumstance.